Project Description


The basic features of the proposed solution are the creation of attractive public spaces networked into existing directions of movement and their intertwining with the facilities of the complex with which thay make uniqe symbiosis. Within the complex there is a large variety of sacred public and private facilities that are intertwined with each other.
The idea was to create an open public space – a square that opens towards the town of Trogir, to the surrounding settlements and to the most frequent pedestrian paths, which flow into the space of the Church and the pastoral center, and is emerging on the sea between the complex’s buildings.

The church set up in its original orientation east – west is becoming the goal of the path, a shelter that receives and overwhelms. It is conceived as a part, a continuation of the square with a completely open facade. The square is pouring in the church and at the same time the sanctuary extends to the square. In this way a clear boundary between the outer and inner spaces, between the square and the sanctuary is removed. The social life and life of believers are interwoven.
On the side of the square there is a building of a pastoral center and kindergarten. The Hall of the Pastoral Center stretches out by the square and opens towards the square, while there is  only entrance space that opens towards the square from all kindergarten’s contents.
The main setting for kindergarten and nursery positioning was orientation towards the south and contact with the outdoor terrain on the western part of the parcel. Kindergarten and nursery are located in the south and southeastern part of the building with orientation to the south – southeast.

Osnovne postavke predloženog rješenja su stvaranje atraktivnih javnih prostora umreženih u postojeće pravce i smjerove kretanja te njihovo ispreplitanje sa sadržajima kompleksa sa kojima čine jedinstvenu simbiozu. Unutar kompleksa predviđen je veliki broj raznolikih sadržaja sakralnog javnog i privatnog karaktera, a koji se svi međusobno isprepliću.
Ideja je bila kreirati otvoreni javni prostor – trg koji se otvara prema gradu Trogiru, okolnim naseljima i najfrekventnijim pješačkim putevima i koji se uljeva u prostor Crkve  i pastoralnog centra te između građevina kompleksa izbija na more.
Crkva  postavljena u svojoj orginalnoj orjentaciji istok- zapad postaje cilj puta, utočište koje prima i natkriljuje. Koncipirana je kao dio, nastavak trga sa pročeljem koje se može potpuno otvoriti.  Trg se uljeva u crkvu i istovremeno se svetište proširuje na trg. Na ovaj način briše se jasna granica između vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora, između trga i svetišta. Društveni život i život vjernika se isprepliću.
Bočno uz trg postavljena je građevina pastoralnog centra i vrtića. Hall pastoralnog centra se proteže uz trg i otvara se prema trgu, dok je od sadržaja vrtića prema trgu postavljen jedino ulazni prostor.
Glavna postavka pozicioniranja vrtića i jaslica je bila orjentacija prema jugu i kontakt sa vanjskim terenim na zapadnom dijelu parcele. Vrtić i jaslice su smješteni u južnom i jugoistočnom dijelu građevine sa orjentacijom jedinica jug – jugoistok.


Project name








Design team

Pastoral center Trogir / Pastorlani centar u Trogiru

Public, cultural / Javna, kulturna

Trogir, Croatia


Competition entry, third prize / Natječajni rad, treća nagrada

ca. 14 000 sqm / cca. 14 000 m2

Town of Trogir / grad Trogir


Domagoj Katalin, Mirjana Krndelj, Teo Budanko